Photos and drawings of--who else--me! By me. Other models are not always nearby or cooperative and I love the challenge of redefining myself. Feel free to comment!
Self-portrait with Hearts and Reflections, by Mary Stebbins. In the bathroom mirror while zooming. Almost no post-processing. Click on image to view larger.
I have Fibromyalgia and my joints hurt really bad. I was out walking at three RIvers one day and found a discarded chair and passed out in it for a while to recover fromt he pain a little. Here you can see my funny lumpy legs and how fat they are. (Ugh!) Only for you would I post this! You can click on the image to see it larger, but I wouldn't if I were you! Bleah!
"All of me" for Self-Portrait Tuesdays. Of course I picked the best one to post, but here I am with y doble chin, looking fat, and with my mess showing. What you CAN'T see are the moth holes in the sweater!